Over the course of this semester, the writing for the sciences class had given many challenges which my group and myself were able to overcome. The course brought rigorous experiences and help test our skills. There were linguistic and mode of expression differences between the group members’ works. While working together and overlooking the drafts of each assignments we were able to come to appropriate conclusions. Everyone options were expressed and were taken into consideration for every single assignment. Throughout the course of creating the Literature review, there were many instances in which the group members differences in styles became difficult to adjust but with compromises and understanding the writing was done to the best of our abilities.
Through the interactions made with other classmates, insightful advice was gained. The peer review portion before submitting each assignment was the biggest contributor. While working on our own papers it’s hard to see the flaws that you have created but with the help of others who had looked at it for the first time, mistakes that were overlooked were pointed out and corrected. One of the documents that were peer-reviewed was the info-graph. Throughout the making of our infographic there were moments in which we doubted the works that we created. But with the help of the peer review we were able to see other groups works and modify our own and were able to receive helpful critiques on our own works.
During the time in which proposals were written our goal was to provide awareness to the community. By research we were able to cut down our audience size to which we were interested in presenting the information towards. In the literature review portion of the class, our audience were adolescents and their parents to bring awareness to what consumption of alcohol can do. But in our presentation, we decided to focus on college students and how alcohol abuse can do their lives currently and in the future. The audience made a difference because for our presentation itself we were displaying the detrimental effects to college students themselves. We figured that if we were presenting to college students, we should make it so that they can gain some information themselves.
Through the course of the class, groups were created and required to work together for most of the assignments. We met up during the times where were required to submit assignments and worked together in developing valuable writings. We had multiple means of communications such as phone calls, messages, emails and google docs. The group was a great support system when things got difficult and overpowering.
For most assignments the use of scholarly articles was required to gain information about the topics. With the use of the CCNY library system we were able to find peer reviewed articles relating to the topic of alcohol abuse. The articles used were restricted to the last five years due to the need to find recent discoveries within the topics. Multimodal composing was sued through WordPress in which we created the website, Animaker for the video created and Canva for the infographics. With the help of these media platforms our website was able to come to life.
When writing for all the assignments my personal point of view was taken into to account but to prevent showing bias most of the information was used based on the articles chosen. With this in mind different points of views were also taken into consideration. When writing the literature review the outlines and format was provided by the professor but the information came from Academic Search Complete. This platform provided with many articles that were used for the literature review and helped us have a better understanding on the topic itself. The papers were looked in APA format in terms of citing the articles. We were able to gain an understanding as to why science articles use APA style formats. This class provided much insight on how to find articles and put them to use in papers and am sure will help me in my future courses as well.